Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blog Blog Blog!

I'm blogging lots lately but i guess that means I'm doing lots! Today was a good day it was a mancercise day! Bench Press, and Dead Lifts, and i love that, its like a release. Now that I'm talking about dead lifting again its amazing to do and i feel great but, i don't know who possessed my body today but some of my lifts looked like total SHIT! At one point i had to walk away, cause i was so frustrated with myself. This week I'm gonna spend a lot of time on core and form to clean up some of the carp i gave myself and poor Chad who had to see it. I am also going to get my mind off the fact of what i am lifting or that i expect it to be heavy and just look at it as if it were 20lb. On a good note i did do a on time lift of 295lb today, Chad kept me under 300 on purpose to keep me wanting the 300 lb next week. I am really glad that he did too, it will make me think about 300 lb all week then i will also remember how bad some of them were this week.

I was really impressed with my benching today i kicked it up a notch and finished off with a working set of 205lb. Without realizing it Chad kept bringing up the weight till i got there. My last bench with Chad was 175lb and that was a 1 x rep of 6 not a working set and i was struggling. I hear Chad is at 235lb ( paused ), so I'm ketching up! By next winter ill be up on him including pauses, but ill have lots of other things to ketch up on!

Keep bustin my butt Chad till I'm better at Squat, Dead lift, and Bench more than you are!!! *grin*

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Human Body Amazes Me!

I went and met with my nutritionist today. It was just a formality as i am just starting my dietary restructuring this morning, but so far it looks good. I had a 4 egg white and one yolk omelette, with lots of veggies and salsa, and finished it with a piece of fruit. At snack i had 2 kiwis, for lunch it was rice veggies and chicken. Super is a shrimp stir fry and for snack its a half cup of yogurt. So by no means am i starving, and its a lot more flavorful to keep my binging and cravings down! Lets see what it does on the scale over the next Wednesday!

After my appointment with Leslie i went to the gym and decided to listen to Chad and not workout today to let my body recover from yesterdays exercises. This left me with just cardio available, to work on. There was no way i was looking forward to force myself to jog today as i was having cramping and shin splints yesterday and the day before. Chad told me to try and stretch out my tibialis anterior muscles before and after jogging, and remove the incline on the treadmill. Well i tell ya the man's a genius, what a difference. I stood on the treadmill and walked for 5 min at 2.8 mph then 5mph for 5 more. I alternated that for 60 minutes without stopping! That means i jogged 4.02336 km and walked 2.2530816 km in intervals. This tells me i have completed the distance of the 5 k run i signed up for and now i need to keep working on it till i can jog 5km without stopping.

I account the amazing progress i have made with this goal to Chad. Every time i was running today and starting to slow down i was hearing him in my head chanting at me " Come on Marc buddy just 2 more minutes, don't slow down now just 30 seconds" or even when i did step on the sides for a quick second i could hear him in a very motivating voice saying " Come on Marc get back on, no excises get on, I'm gonna add time on! " But I think the funniest thing that came to mind was when i completed my 5 min jog interval i could hear him making sounds like a humpback whale, encouraging moans and groans, and finally ending with " Yea buddy! You did it! " When i finished up I almost expected Chad to bring over someone like Terry Fox and both telling me in true Chad fashion that i was a natural and they couldn't believe how well i was doing! Strange but he always has someone near by to motivate me in one way or another!

Overall i was thinking about how quickly the human body adapts, how well it endures, and when respected it will always amaze you. Test your body, bring it to the brink and think like Tony Horton when you think you can only do 5 more but your brain says you can do 10 do 10, its worth it!

Thanks to my team for motivating and supporting me!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I thought squatting was something you did when you were homeless and needed a place to sleep? But no its not, Its a painfully difficult and technical mancerise, in where you have a bar loaded with weight on your shoulders, and commence bending at the knees, and hips keeping your body and or core extremely ridged, then proceed to stand up while keeping everything ridged. So first thought that comes to mind is no I'm not interested in doing this, especially since this is how i hurt my back in my late teens. Then as always, and don't ask me how he does this, but Chad pulls out another, yes another world class athlete to compliment my form and skill to stroke my ego and make me feel like i may enjoy this. Not only did Chad use a world class athlete but he keeps telling me I'm a natural and he has seen people with many years experience with worse form. So of course the thoughts of complaining go right out the window and i fall in line just like the best solder, and before i know it I'm beginning to enjoy this. Where he gets these world class athletes ill never know, but its almost to convenient how there just there at the right time, and all the time! I think something funny is going on around there! I am as bad as Chad a little peer pressure and bam i fold!

Tomorrow i will be kicking my lifestyle into a new level of dedication. As i mentioned the other day i hired a Nutritionist. I received my new food plan today, and proceeded to the grocery store to load various items including fruits, veggies, eggs, and nuts ( all organic ) into my refrigerator and will be starting to eat appropriately tomorrow morning. I will also start weighing in every week to chart my progress. So tonight i plan on eating 3 lb of lard. This should be a good journey, just imagine who ill be this time next year. ( I still wont be granola don't worry)

Looking forward to the new changes in life thanks to Chad and Leslie!

P.S. I'm not eating lard i just wanted to shock the few that were falling asleep near the end of the blog

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well lets see today was fun i found out about something called nutrition I'm even told its something rather important. I down to a place called SFL and saw Leslie yes the same one as who sold me the shoes. I'm starting to think these people are conspiring against me and if there everywhere i go than i cant cheat on food or exercises. She showed me how the whole plan works and how it is amazingly specific to each and every persons needs. I learned how wrong some of the things i thought about certain foods were and how wonderful things like peanut butter really could be a part of my life. By that point i was sold! The she proceeded to sell me oil, not snake oil but fish oil that supposedly tastes like apple. OMG! Mistake the oil I'm sure is good but the people that developed this are sick, ill, it did taste like apple with the texture of canola oil blah!!!!! Its not that it was the worst thing i have ingested but, i was expecting it to be pleasant as it mentioned apple flavor, then boom that greasy apple taste, I'm still shuttering. So if anyone buys this just think of it as a shot to be washed down with something and you ll be just fine. Now i am really excited to see what happens over the next few weeks, and don't worry ill keep you all updated.

I went to the gym after my appointment with Leslie and banged out the same workout as yesterday but kicked up a notch on a few things. I was kneeling on the ball ( i know that alone is plenty cool ) then i grabbed a stick about the same size as a broom handle and started stretching side to side with it behind my shoulders! This was working my core in more than one way ( something Chad is always stressing multi muscle excesses ) and it felt pretty cool too. Then i kicked up my running a notch from yesterday. I walked at 3.0 and an incline of 5.0 for 3.5 minutes and jogged at 5.0 and an incline of 50 for 1.5 minutes and i kept alternating for 20 min that means 6 minutes of jogging! I gotta keep it up if I'm going to make that 5km run! So I'm heading back to the gym right away!

I'm Back from the gym and all done for tonight. I decided to do some walking and running tonight but nothing else. That means today i walked for about 45 minutes and jogged for about 15 min in intervals of course, but that's still a quarter of the time! After finished my treadmill time i played Chad and made my wife work, grunt, grown, and even grumble at me! Yes it was working out at the gym ( just in case some of you people read into things the wrong way! ), but what I'm saying is Chad has been holding out on me. I really like inflicting pain on others too! It was actually a lot of fun working out with Crystal, followed by some green tea and a few books on health and fitness at Chapters. While we were walking and talking Crystal was mentioning she might be interested in trying dead lifting, i know pretty hot huh?! So i told her to talk to Chad about working on technique and practice to see if its her thing. So i think that would be cool if we could do that together!

See you all tomorrow!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Shoes!

I bought new shoes today, and like every kid i think they make me run faster than you!

Yea i bought new shoes, and i learned that you should not go to your avg shoe or sports store to buy them, unless you know what your looking for! I took a drive down the the tech shop today and was examined and had to do a runway walk for the nice lady then she brought me shoes and they feel great and very supportive.

Then i went to the gym today and felt really good about my work out i spent a good 2o min on the elliptical to warm up. I went over and started working on a full machine circuit. Pushing the bars and pulling plates etc, was good to work off some of my man energy! After i found i could no longer lift, pull or push I started some core work. I did about 100 crunches on the ball and 50 reversed to work my lower back. I spent 10 min doing squats on the half ball both sides of course, and finished off with about 10 min kneeling on the ball and falling off.

I figured after my body was all sore i would spend 20 min on the treadmill to loosen up all my muscles and relax a little before i went home. After about 10 min on the treadmill i thought i should try jogging ( as i have wanted to since i started the gym but felt odd about running on a treadmill ) and so i pushed the speed up to 5 and jogged for a min, then i got pooped out fast so i slowed down for a min or 2. I decided to try 5.5 for a speed and lasted for another min then back down to a walk for a couple. Then for the last to min i decided to finish strong before cooling down so i pushed it to 6 for 2 min, and in the words of Forrest Gump " I was running!" I think it was all about the shoes, especially since these shoes do not hurt my arches!

So this blog does not praise Chad it praises his better half Leslie!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Woooohoooo and uh oh !!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i went to the gym today. Chad and i did cardio, then he told me this was my last cardio session. I was to say the least ecstatic! I don't know why but unlike the weights i could not get into cardio. For me i find that i like cardio as a filler not as my main activity. Its like having all salad and no steak! Now i hear we are moving back to the heavy weights again ( steak ) and i just feel like a load has been lifted off me. I think this will help me on the days that i am not working with Chad to get my cardio done and even surpass what i have previously done. I get to work on my dead lift and benching goals you ll see down on the right! I almost died when i stepped on the scale and found a gain of 7lb since last Tuesday. ^&^#$%%^@#$^$#%&^#$%^!!!! But its all my fault, i didn't workout like i was suppose to and i didn't eat properly. Chad i think wanted to beat me i could see it in his eyes. So now i think i need a nutrition change....

Lets get it on, sweat it out and Mancercise!!!!!

Pain, Pain, and More Pain!!

So i want good over the Valentines weekend. I didn't go to the gym on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, oh yea and Monday. So Chad took it out on me he beat me like a red headed step child. I woke up yesterday with pains i never remember having before. I had to check out front that i had not crashed or rolled my truck and someway found my way into the house. I reluctantly went to the gym yesterday and did an hour of cardio. This morning i woke up and found i was less stiff and sore than yesterday but not much less. Now that brings me to today I have another session with Chad so i figured i would blog now before i can no longer blog, but if i want to meet some of my goals from now till the 28th I'm going to have to kick my own gluteus maximus to drop a few pounds off it. So I'm going to clean up my eating and work harder on the last stretch of the cardio phase with Chad!

Get r done!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Calgary Police Half-Marathon and 5km

Well I'm getting crap for using this blog from an unnamed trainer, who is to remain unnamed for using this blog to talk about my company. I guess he just wants to be the center of attention in my blog j/k. On a good note I noticed a few weeks ago Chad had some posting for races. I decided to sing up for the Calgary Police Half-Marathon and 5km. Now its time to get myself in shape to finish properly, not just finish but finish with a good time! The last two weeks Chad has had me working on fat burn blaaaaaaaaaaah! One thing i have to say about this fat burn is, its really helping me with my endurance and heart rate. I'm thinking this is going to be a good start but I'm going to shoot for a half marathon, but i would like to find one on a Saturday near or in Calgary. If its on a Saturday i believe i can get Crystal to join me, so if anyone finds one let me know!!! If anyone is interested in joining me on this run check out the website

Today Chad me working out on fat burn and intervals. What that means is 2 min each at level 9 and speed of 7 , 8 , and 9 on the elliptical trainer then 2 different core exercises for 2 minutes after each level. The next level was 2 min at level 11 at speeds 7,8,and 9, and then 2 different core exercises for 2 minutes after each level again. Finally the last time was 2 min each at level 13 and speed of 7 , 8 , and 9 on the elliptical trainer then 1 different core exercise and legs for 2 minutes after each level. We did the same thing last Tuesday at a level lower and i was yelling and moaning and barely worked thru it. When we kicked it up a notch today my body handled it just fine, don't get me wrong I'm sore but not half as sore as i was last week. maybe ill get Chad to kick it up an extra notch next week!

Maybe ill be in shape for that run a little sooner if i can keep adapt this quick!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The new addition to the Tuscan Stucco family!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Company Truck

Well I'm still sore thanks to that Chad guy so i only hit the gym on Saturday over the weekend. Mind you i have been keeping myself distracted from the pain. I saw a truck for sale yesterday a 1992 GMC 1500 for sale. The guy was asking 1900 and i got him down to 1400, not to bad of a truck but lets say its not cherry. so today i was sanding down flaking paint and rust, and spray bombing the sanded areas, it looks a little better. I think next week I'm going to get it all decaled with the company logos and services. The most important thing is this little work project is keeping my mind off Chad and his brutal mancercises!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I was doing some searching for more great quotes and i found this gem. A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time pills or stairs. ****Joan Welsh**** now if anyone out there has ever trained with Chad you know for a fact Chad is all about the 2 stairs. When i saw that the only thing i can remember is the first day i was being trained and Chad pushed me up and down the stairs two at a time. Then got me working out with free weights till i was to put it in a nice way ill. LOL the good times. He worked me much like today just like Jillian Micheals, to bad he wasn't as pretty. As i said i have added some quotes you may want to see over to the right.

Thank you everyone who is reading and i will try to keep you entertained till I'm no longer fat nor funny!

Chadcercise is Mancercise!

So, yes I am blogging again. I am blogging again because I’m close to my computer and I definitely can’t move………. or thinking of what it’s going to feel like if I move, there’s no way I’m going to. Do you remember those old rocky movies with him beating the crap out of a side of beef? All I have to say is Sly you pansy, you whiney pansy, try chadcercise! I had a 1pm appointment today with Chad and figured it wasn’t going to be too bad, as I have been training 2 – 2 ½ hours a day all week. We start off doing squats, lunges, some kinda skiing motion, don’t forget the pushups with 10 rows one each arm, and lots of other unnatural motions that I wasn’t ready for and kicked the crap out of me. So after I completed the first hour of hell, as Chad called it while he laughed at me not with me but at me. I went for lunch and visited my father. While sitting on his couch I started to stiffen up and with another hour to go I had to get back to the gym. When I got back to the gym and changed I went over to his desk like a smart a** and said are you ready yet? I gotta learn to shut up! Chad took me over and put me on the elliptical for two min, then sitting and standing and some crazy ball thing (big core exercise), for 3 circuits then elliptical and 2 more exercises for 3 more circuits. Oh did I mention he did it to me a 3rd time with two more exercises and again 3 more times. I would have gotten sick after those work outs but HA the joke was on Chad I didn’t have the energy too! So over all Chad beat me like a rented mule and I took it barely but I did. As far as days go this was one of my best days as I didn’t die, and Chad made me stronger!

To end it all, all I have to say is:
(Got to learn to keep my mouth shut)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Motivational Quotes

As some of you have noticed some motivational quotes have been added to my blog. I believe I have been growing on this journey and have been adding motivational quotes to my blog for everyone to read, in hopes that they may encourage others who are or will be working to achieve similar goals. If you have any quotes I would be happy to look them over or post them if they will flow with my train of thought.

What I think my journey will teach me is found in 3 quotes on my blog:

The value of achievement lies in the achieving **** Albert Einstein **** meaning if I can push thru this I will look back at this as a great bonding experience with my trainer and my increasingly beautiful wife. Pushing thru this will make me a better person just for completing this task. Not that the weight loss will hurt either.

The second quote is winners have simply formed the habit of doing things losers don’t like to do. **** Albert Gray **** in this quote I focus in the tasks that seem monotonies or unbearable. This is helping me in the life changing journey Crystal and I have decided to undertake.

Overnight success is a fallacy. It is preceded by a great deal of preparation. **** Mark Twain **** Mark Twain is one of my favorite authors. While looking over his work I have found this quote teaching me immense patients with working on my goals. It has taken me 7-10 years to put on this weight and it’s not going to come off over night but Chad’s preparing me for being slim. Crystal is helping me with my focus as well with all the cheese she eats; she helps me work on temptation.


Wow 2 blogs in 2 days that’s pretty odd I have to say but here I am again. Today we started Chad's fat burn circuit, or as I'm going to refer to it as CHADCERCISE. Yes chadcercise is exercise where Chad beats me down till I can’t even pull up my pants cause there now to heavy, then proceeds to lift a plate ( 45 lb ) in front of my wife knowing I couldn’t even fathom lifting that much to make me look like a complete wimp. The goal of chadcercise is to burn off that fat layer I have, so its cardio and weights pushed to the breaking point. I’m still not sure that I’m really ready to do this or am I interested in doing it, but there are highlights (other than burning fat ) am I am finding I am recovering very quickly from it unlike the beginning of my introduction to the gym. When I look back at introduction to the gym I hated it, hmm when I look back at intro to power lifting again I hated it. I’m noticing a pattern here let me get back to you in a week and ill blog and we’ll see if I like chadcercise!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Blah Blah Blog

Well I figured it’s been a while so it’s time to blog again. I’m not really excited for the next 3 weeks. Ok let me rephrase that I’m not as excited about the next 3 weeks as I would have been a month ago. It’s all Chad’s fault; he got me hooked on mancercise, dead lifts, bench press etc, with bigger and bigger plates. For the next 3 weeks it’s time to put the grease in the pan, melt Marc's fat. Don’t get me wrong that’s why I joined the gym and even hired Chad but ......... you know! So now my blog is about to change from the weight of the plates to Marc's weight, inches, and pant sizes. I weighed in today and am now 274.1 lb from 300 around Christmas, and a 46 inch pant size just before Christmas to a painted on but never the less 38. I have some pre training photos and will be taking some mid way photos fairly soon. I will post them all when I have them all to show everyone what abuse Chad has been putting me thru! J/K

Let’s get burning fat so we can mancercise!!!