Thursday, January 29, 2009

BAM 275 lb DEAD LIFT!!!!

Yea I said 275 lb, no that’s not what I weigh, but close, not that’s what I lifted today, yea 275 lb dead lift!
It stated yesterday with a huge disappointment, the weather got warm, my greed started to build and I called Chad and said I had to work meaning I needed to rebook today’s appointment. I was working my butt off today hoping to finish a little early allowing for some gym time. Work went really well and we finished by 2 pm, so I bolted to the gym and got there at 3pm. When I got to the gym I was talking to Chad and found out his 3 pm appointment canceled, how lucky can someone get? So I got to do my dead lifting! Chad got me to my working set which was 225 lb 5x for 5 sets that’s 25 lb more than my brag in the last blog. While we were working out today a guy came over and told me I should be working on power lifting, and I was impressed because he was pretty built. He complemented my form and told me I had a perfect build for power lifting. I was feeling really good by now, and then he walked away and Chad proceeded to tell me that he was rated the 18th best power lifter in Canada. That blew my mind to say the least. Anyways as we finished my working sets I asked Chad if he would let me lift 250lb to see where I was at, of course he said no. I was pretty disappointed and figured he was the trainer and he had a reason. Then Chad added some weight and told me I was going to do one more last lift. Curious about how much was on the bar I asked, to hear don’t worry about it just lift it. I was stretching and getting ready to lift and of course guess who walks around the corner Crystal. Then Chad smiles and says you’re just in time to watch Marc. With a big smile Chad looks at me and says lift and don’t embarrass your wife. So I get into form and I pull up 275lb, that’s right when I started dead lifting I was struggling with about 150lb ( 3 weeks ago ) and today was 275 lb.

Thanks for the best day yet Chad!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well I was given crap today because I’m not posting enough so here’s a good post for ya!! This being the second last day of strength training with my trainer Chad (before fat burn that is). Chad decided to push me a little today and tell me I was going to bench what he weighed 155 lb. I figured this wasn’t too bad but when I got to 155 Chad seen I had more so he was pushing me up to 165. While he was going to get the weight I thought to myself let’s do 175, so I mentioned this to Chad, he said no grinning of course. I swear he is getting into my head way too much, so I pushed back with a bet for lunch well... all I have to say is BOO-YAH! 175lb 6 x and free lunch!

Now that’s how a trainer plays the game and gets your brain, heart, and body working together...

Thanks for another great moment Chad!

Monday, January 26, 2009

20 lb - 200 lb!

Well it’s been an interesting week, and a pretty exciting one in my eyes. Thursday I went to the gym not that I have been feeling up to working out or doing much of anything. Never the less I went to the gym and spent some time working out with Chad. I knew we were going to be working on dead lifts and wasn’t looking for to it at all. I never really liked dead lifting and thought it was pretty much a waste of time. Anyways Chad and I were going thru the circuit and was working on my dead lifting and before I realized it I was doing 200lb lifts. After thinking about it over the weekend I think I might be starting to enjoy it. Now I think I’m going to have to add a bit more weight to the next goal and set a date to reach it.

Today being Monday I decided to head to the gym and do an hour of cardio or so. After taking a long weekend off a grueling hour on the treadmill was not what I was looking forward to but goals must be reached. I took 2 minutes and stepped on the scale and found out that in the last 30 days or so I lost 20 lb including a week off for Christmas gorging. After reaching a few goals and I’m feeling a little more rejuvenated, and am looking forward to the next month.

Friday, January 16, 2009

First post?

Friday Jan 16th 2009

About Me...

So this is my first post. I just thought I would try this blog thing as everyone is doing it now a days, and yes I would probably jump off a bridge. So I thought I would start this blog with a little info on why I’m doing this. This blog is hopefully going to keep a good record of all my success and hopefully not my failures on this journey with my wife Crystal, and my trainer Chad on how to shrink a fat man! I guess to start off I was really close to 300 lb when I started this journey and my goal is closer to 200lb give or take. Crystal and I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer named Chad. Now I watched all these TV shows like the biggest loser, and x-weighted and figured I have put it off long enough now it’s my turn!! So I quit smoking about 2 weeks before joining the gym, that was a treat but very necessary. Now Crystal and I joined the gym, and as always I wanted to go all out so I had to have a trainer. I asked the gym owner to set me up with the best I wanted nothing less! He signed me and Crystal up with Chad little did I know we were signing in blood. The first few days I started with Chad I was in pain......... oh boy was I, but I was too tough to show it... much. So I went home and died on the couch. I was unhappy with who I decided to become. I worked hard till Christmas but only till Christmas then I binged and gorged till about the 3rd of Jan at which point Chad called to make new appointments for the New Year. Fear hit me and I began to go to the gym again like a mad man! When I finally met with Chad on the 6th of Jan I was worried as our next weigh in was on the 8th, lucky for me I didn’t really gain any weight, and didn’t feel so bad. I cleaned up my act and diet since that day and have been really good minus the odd weekend movie night. Over the last ten days I have really found that working with Chad on changing my life for the better has become an amazing journey.