Thursday, January 29, 2009

BAM 275 lb DEAD LIFT!!!!

Yea I said 275 lb, no that’s not what I weigh, but close, not that’s what I lifted today, yea 275 lb dead lift!
It stated yesterday with a huge disappointment, the weather got warm, my greed started to build and I called Chad and said I had to work meaning I needed to rebook today’s appointment. I was working my butt off today hoping to finish a little early allowing for some gym time. Work went really well and we finished by 2 pm, so I bolted to the gym and got there at 3pm. When I got to the gym I was talking to Chad and found out his 3 pm appointment canceled, how lucky can someone get? So I got to do my dead lifting! Chad got me to my working set which was 225 lb 5x for 5 sets that’s 25 lb more than my brag in the last blog. While we were working out today a guy came over and told me I should be working on power lifting, and I was impressed because he was pretty built. He complemented my form and told me I had a perfect build for power lifting. I was feeling really good by now, and then he walked away and Chad proceeded to tell me that he was rated the 18th best power lifter in Canada. That blew my mind to say the least. Anyways as we finished my working sets I asked Chad if he would let me lift 250lb to see where I was at, of course he said no. I was pretty disappointed and figured he was the trainer and he had a reason. Then Chad added some weight and told me I was going to do one more last lift. Curious about how much was on the bar I asked, to hear don’t worry about it just lift it. I was stretching and getting ready to lift and of course guess who walks around the corner Crystal. Then Chad smiles and says you’re just in time to watch Marc. With a big smile Chad looks at me and says lift and don’t embarrass your wife. So I get into form and I pull up 275lb, that’s right when I started dead lifting I was struggling with about 150lb ( 3 weeks ago ) and today was 275 lb.

Thanks for the best day yet Chad!


  1. It's not about how much you can lift (...ok, maybe a little!), but it's about HOW you lift it. I've seen some really ugly 275 lbs deadlifts, but yours was not one of them. Don't forget to add that in your blogs!

    As I was once told:
    Practice does not make perfect....
    PERFECT practice makes perfect!

    Good Work today!

  2. Oh yeah, by the way, where is the 'other' category in your poll???? I got a funny feeling about NYR!
